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Unveiling the Truth: Male Infertility in Kolkata’s Evolving Health Landscape

Unveiling the Truth: Male Infertility in Kolkata’s Evolving Health Landscape

“In Kolkata, as in the rest of India, male infertility is emerging as a critical health issue, shaped by modern lifestyles, environmental factors, and escalating stress levels. Once considered a taboo subject, male infertility is now gaining recognition as more couples in the city are postponing parenthood and seeking medical help to conceive.

Recent research shows that male factors contribute to approximately 40-50% of infertility cases in India. Common issues include low sperm count, poor sperm motility, and abnormal sperm morphology, exacerbated by unhealthy habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, and exposure to environmental pollutants. The rising levels of stress and sedentary work conditions are also linked to declining sperm quality among Kolkata’s men.

Historically a sensitive and stigmatized topic, male infertility is slowly being addressed more openly thanks to increased awareness from media campaigns and health initiatives.

Dr Sugata Misra, a fertility expert from a Birla Fertility & IVF in Kolkata emphasizes the importance of destigmatizing the conversation around male reproductive health: “The tendency to place the entire burden of infertility on women is outdated. It is crucial to discuss male fertility issues openly, encouraging men to seek help and diminish the stigma surrounding this concern.”

As Kolkata and the broader Indian health landscape evolve, highlighting male infertility and encouraging proactive health measures for men will be vital in fostering a more informed and supportive approach to reproductive health.”

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